Tasmanian Land Care

Enhance your property with Tasmanian Land Care's expert advice and services. Our experienced land care professionals offer tailored management plans and provide re-vegetation, tree planting, weed management, and eco-mulching to enhance the natural value of your property.
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Enhance Your Property with Professional Land Care Solutions

Tasmanian Land Care offers a holistic approach to land management, combining professional management plans and advice with weed management, revegetation, tree planting and eco-mulching services.

The combination of careful planning, strategic eco-mulching, targeted weed spraying and revegetation planting offers a comprehensive solution to convert neglected land into biodiverse natural habitats. Serving clients across Southern Tasmania, the East Coast, and the Midlands, our holistic approach is designed to restore the natural environment, benefiting both wildlife and people. Whether your land has been overrun by invasive species or left unattended for years, our expert team can transform it into a rich and biodiverse landscape over time. Through tailored land care strategies, we aim to enhance soil health, increase native vegetation and allow native fauna to return—benefiting both land users and the environment.

Land Care Services


Eco-mulching is a useful first step to knocking down weeds and preparing for future treatments, also very useful for creating firebreaks.

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Revegetation of native trees on rural blocks helps to increase the usability and amenity value of your property.

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Weed Management

Targeted Weed Management for Sustainable Land Care

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Land Care Blog Posts

Identification And Control Methods Of Gorse In Tasmania

Recognised as one of Australia’s most invasive weed species, gorse (Ulex europaeus) poses threats to both commercial farmland as well as native bushland.

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Spanish Heath – Control Method Trials In Tasmania

With the ability to completely outcompete native vegetation and form dense monocultural infestations, Spanish heath has become one of the most prolific weeds in Tasmania.

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How To Prepare Your Property For Bushfire Season In Tasmania

Tasmania is no stranger to devastating bushfires. Regardless of whether you plan to stay or leave your property during a bush fire, preparing your trees and vegetation makes it easier for you and firefighters to defend your home and assets.

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Revegetation And Ecosystem Restoration: Why And How?

Revegetation, a term that is seeing more use each day, broadly means to ‘provide land with a new vegetative cover’. This article aims to introduce the reader to land rehabilitation methodology and the benefits that accompany revegetating one’s property.

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Management And Treatment Of Phytophthora Dieback In Tasmania

Here in Tasmania, phytophthora poses a serious danger to at least 35 rare and threatened plants. The vegetation types most affected are heathland, moorlands, dry sclerophyll forest and scrub.

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"They arrived on time and did a very professional job scaling a tall tree."
Toshiro Mifune
"Exceptional service and value, very professional"
"Highly Professional, friendly, efficient, reliable, and reasonably priced team."
Marina Takini
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Transform Your Landscape with Professional Land Care Solutions

Enhance your property with our expert land care services, including eco-mulching, revegetation, and fire break creation. Our dedicated team ensures sustainable and effective management tailored to your needs.

Contact us today for a free consultation and experience the difference our landcare expertise can make!