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August 7, 2024

Arboricultural consultants can value your tree

Are you curious what your tree is worth? Surely its value is only in the eye of the beholder, right? Well, not actually. We are passionate arboricultural consultants, and we...

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August 7, 2024

What is a Consulting Arborist?

What is a consulting arborist and what do they do? Before we get started, let's establish the basics. A consulting arborist is a qualified professional who is either engaged for..

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August 7, 2024

What is an arboriculture impact assessment?

Pre-Purchase Inspection Preliminary Assessments Impact Assessment Protection Plan Compliance Certificate An Arboriculture Impact Assessment is a report generated by a qualified consulting arborist. The report measures the impact that development...

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August 7, 2024

What is a preliminary arboriculture assessment?

Pre-Purchase Inspection Preliminary Assessments Impact Assessment Protection Plan Compliance Certificate A preliminary arboriculture assessment is a report generated by a qualified consulting arborist. Through collecting quantitative and qualitative information on...

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August 7, 2024

What is Tree Protection Compliance?

Pre-Purchase Inspection Preliminary Assessments Impact Assessment Protection Plan Compliance Certificate Approved development applications usually have conditions attached to them. One of the conditions will likely be to provide proof of...

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August 7, 2024

What is a Tree Protection Plan?

Pre-Purchase Inspection Preliminary Assessments Impact Assessment Protection Plan Compliance Certificate A Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is an individual comprehensive report (ore part of an arboricultutal impact assessment) that provides specific...

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August 7, 2024

Arboriculture Asset Management: Your Piece of the Urban Forest Matters

Tree Management Plans, Inventory, and Risk Assessments: Safeguarding Urban Arboricultural Assets

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August 7, 2024

The value of a Pre-Purchase Inspection for your Potential Development Site

Pre-Purchase Inspection Preliminary Assessments Impact Assessment Protection Plan Compliance Certificate The value of a Pre-Purchase Inspection If a developer is buying a property without any buildings and intends to build...

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August 7, 2024

Who Should Provide Arboriculture Reports for your Development Application

The Importance of Trained and Experienced Arboriculturists in Providing Arboriculture Reports for your Development Application. The importance of educated and experienced arboriculturists in providing reports for development applications cannot be...

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August 7, 2024

Tree protection regulations in Tasmania

Tree protection regulations can greatly vary between local municipalities throughout Tasmania, however, there are several overarching protection laws that aim to protect trees throughout the state. Let’s take a closer look

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August 7, 2024

What is a tree health assessment and why is it important?

Management Plan Tree Inventory Tree Assessments Risk Assessments Tree Selection A tree health assessment is a process of evaluating the overall condition of a tree. It involves assessing all aspects...

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August 7, 2024

What is an arboricultural risk assessment?

Management Plan Tree Inventory Tree Assessments Risk Assessments Tree Selection What is an arboricultural risk assessment? An arboricultural risk assessment is an assessment on a tree to determine the risk...

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August 7, 2024

The importance of tagging trees

What is tree tagging? ‘Tagging’ a tree means attaching a physical tag onto the tree that clearly displays its identifying number. The identifying number should correspond with all arboricultural reports...

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August 7, 2024

The importance of ground protection

What is ground protection? Ground protection is a means to prevent compaction within Tree Protection Zones (TPZ). It usually consists of a physical barrier made from solid boards or equivalent...

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August 7, 2024

What are Visual Tree Assessments?

Visual Tree Assessment (VTA) Most types of hazards that can occur in a tree can be detected from external visual assessments. A visual tree assessment (VTA) is a recognised...

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August 7, 2024

Significant trees in Tasmania

How are trees classified as ‘significant’? Trees in Tasmania may be considered significant for a variety of reasons. They may be particularly old and provide links to the past, have...

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August 7, 2024

Tree Selection: What tree should I plant?

Tree selection It can be challenging to select the most suitable tree for your site conditions. Sometimes the tree you desire is not suitable and will perform poorly. There can...

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May 7, 2024

Preparing Your Trees For Tasmanian Winters

Trees can provide amenity and value to your property. However, they don’t always grow strong, straight and healthy.

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May 1, 2024

Management And Treatment Of Phytophthora Dieback In Tasmania

Here in Tasmania, phytophthora poses a serious danger to at least 35 rare and threatened plants. The vegetation types most affected are heathland, moorlands, dry sclerophyll forest and scrub.

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April 25, 2024

Revegetation And Ecosystem Restoration: Why And How?

Revegetation, a term that is seeing more use each day, broadly means to ‘provide land with a new vegetative cover’. This article aims to introduce the reader to land rehabilitation methodology and the benefits that accompany revegetating one’s property.

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April 16, 2024

Controlling Anthracnose: Colletotrichum And Other Fungal Diseases In Tasmania

Anthracnose is a group of fungal diseases that affects plants typically in warm or humid areas. Even so, Anthracnose can infect plants in temperate climates like Tasmania given the right conditions.

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April 10, 2024

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Brighton Council?

This is a fantastic question. In short, whether you can cut down a tree in Brighton Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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February 16, 2024

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Tasman Council?

Fantastic question. In short, whether you can cut down a tree in Tasman Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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February 14, 2024

Wood-Decaying Fungi In Tasmania: Fomitiporia Robusta

Fomitiporia robusta (formerly Phellinus robustus) is a species of wood-decaying fungi that belongs to the family Hymenochaetaceae, order Hymenochaetales, and class Agaricomycetes.

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February 14, 2024

How To Prepare Your Property For Bushfire Season In Tasmania

Tasmania is no stranger to devastating bushfires. Regardless of whether you plan to stay or leave your property during a bush fire, preparing your trees and vegetation makes it easier for you and firefighters to defend your home and assets.

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December 21, 2023

Pathogenic Fungi In Tasmania: Cypress Canker

Cypress canker, caused by the fungal pathogen Seiridium, is a significant problem affecting a wide range of Cypress species worldwide.

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December 21, 2023

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Glenorchy City Council?

Fantastic question. Our answer? It depends. In short, whether you can cut down a tree in Glenorchy City Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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December 13, 2023

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Sorell Council?

The short answer to this question is, it depends. The permissions surrounding whether you can cut down a tree in Sorell Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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December 12, 2023

Spanish Heath – Control Method Trials In Tasmania

With the ability to completely outcompete native vegetation and form dense monocultural infestations, Spanish heath has become one of the most prolific weeds in Tasmania.

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October 10, 2023

Ganoderma Australe In Tasmania: Identification And Recent Research

Ganoderma australe, also known as the southern bracket, is a common wood-rotting fungus that is found in many regions of the world.

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September 20, 2023

Tasmanian Trees And The Benefits Of Mulching

Mulching is a practice that involves covering the ground around trees with a protective material, such as woodchips, compost, cardboard, or plastic sheeting.

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July 14, 2023

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Clarence City Council?

This is a fantastic question with a rather ambiguous answer: In short, whether you can cut down a tree in Clarence City Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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July 11, 2023

Dealing With The Eucalyptus Longhorn Borer In Tasmania

As its name suggests, the Eucalyptus Longhorn Borer (Phoracantha semipunctata) is an Australian endemic beetle that is easily recognised by its long antennae and the distinctive holes it bores into suitable host species.

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July 11, 2023

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Huon Valley Council?

Whether you can cut down a tree in Huon Valley Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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June 14, 2023

What To Do When Identifying Myrtle Rust In Tasmania

When myrtle rust disease was first detected in New South Wales in 2010, Australia’s federal and state governments initiated an emergency response.

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June 2, 2023

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Kingborough Council?

This is a fantastic question with a rather ambiguous answer: In short, whether you can cut down a tree in Kingborough Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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April 12, 2023

Managing Elm Leaf Beetle In Tasmania

You may be surprised to learn that the Elm Leaf Beetle has only existed in Tasmania for approximately 20 years, with the first case detected in Launceston in 2002 and in Hobart in 2008.

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April 12, 2023

Do I Need Permission To Cut Down A Tree In Hobart City Council?

This is a fantastic question with a rather ambiguous answer: In short, whether you can cut down a tree in Hobart City Council depends on a number of moving parts and parties. But first, let’s discuss the reasons you may want to remove a tree on your private property.

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January 2, 2023

Armillaria Luteobubalina: Dealing With Honey Fungus In Tasmania

Have you detected a honey-coloured mushroom growing on your property? Does it appear near or at the base of a seemingly healthy tree? If so, there’s a chance your tree is battling Armillaria luteobubalina.

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September 27, 2022

Identification And Control Methods Of Gorse In Tasmania

Recognised as one of Australia’s most invasive weed species, gorse (Ulex europaeus) poses threats to both commercial farmland as well as native bushland.

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Tree Failure and Schools: Understanding the Duty of Care to Keep Students Safe

Well-managed trees are an asset to your school. Trees play a vital role in creating a peaceful and attractive environment for schools. However, as trees grow and age, they can...

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From expert tree care and land management to specialised consultant, our team offers a wide range of services to meet all your arboricultural needs. We deliver reliable, sustainable, and tailored solutions for your property.

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