What is a Tree Protection Plan?

Pre-Purchase Inspection Preliminary Assessments Impact Assessment Protection Plan Compliance Certificate A Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is an individual comprehensive report (ore part of an arboricultutal impact assessment) that provides specific...

A Tree Protection Plan (TPP) is an individual comprehensive report (or part of an arboricultural impact assessment) that provides specific information to ensure the trees on site are protected.

A TPP should comply with The Australian Standard Protection of Trees on Development Sites (AS 4970).

When in the development stage should the TPP occur?

A TPP is usually included as part of an arboricultural impact assessment once the trees meant for retention have been identified. An arboricultural impact assessment is not always necessary, and a TPP can be prepared independently. A more comprehensive TPP can be prepared if accurate and complete information is provided to us.

Why is a TPP so important?

Trees are generating (not re-generating) systems. This means they do not ‘heal’ wounds but rather compensate by adding new increments of wood to the affected area. This can take varying amounts of time depending on the species of tree, the health of the tree, or the size of the wound. Many unnecessary wounds to trees can be avoided by implementing protection measures identified in a TPP.

What information is provided in a TPP?

Developing or changing the site around a tree can directly, or indirectly, affect the tree’s health and longevity. A TPP will provide mitigation measures to any identified impacts.

Some measures to mitigate the impacts may be included in a TPP are:

  • Protective fencing to isolate workers, machinery, and storage from the protected areas of the tree
  • Ground protection to inhibit the soil becoming compacted from heavy machinery
  • Trunk protection to inhibit the trunk being damaged from machinery
  • Pruning recommendations to ensure roots, and / or canopy is correctly pruned by qualified arborists in accordance with AS 4373-2007 Pruning of amenity trees
  • Compliance requirements to ensure the measures are implemented

What can happen if a TPP is not provided to council?

Compliance of a TPP is often required by council before any onsite works commence. Failing to provide council with a TPP may hold up the development applicaiton, especially when high conservation trees are on the site.

How does it align with the Australian Standards?

All the TPPs we prepare are in accordance with The Australian Standard Protection of Trees on Development Sites (AS 4970).

What qualifications are needed to prepare a TPP?

A TPP should be prepared, or approved, by an arborist with the minimum qualification of a Diploma in Arboriculture (AQF level 5). All our consulting arborists have this qualification or higher.

Contact us for a chat about how we can help progress your development application by preparing a suitable TPP in accordance with AS 4970-2009.

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