Tasmanian Arboriculture Consultants

Maximise your tree assets' value with Tasmanian Arboriculture Consultants. We provide comprehensive arboricultural consulting, impact assessments, and asset management to support your projects and sustainability goals.
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Discover the benefits of engaging a consulting arborist for your next project or for managing your existing assets.

Tasmanian Arboriculture Consultants provide professional arboricultural consulting and management services, focusing on enhancing the health and value of tree assets through sustainable practices and professional guidance.

Hobart Consulting Arborist Services

Arboricultural Asset Management (existing assets)

Arboricultural Asset Management is the gold standard of tree care to reduce risk, increase aesthetics and amenity value to your site.

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Project Arborist (development sites)

The Project Arborist is responsible for protection of trees on development sites.

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Arboriculture Consultancy Blog Posts

Check out our latest blog posts and information

Tree Selection: What tree should I plant?

Tree selection It can be challenging to select the most suitable tree for your site conditions. Sometimes the tree you desire is not suitable and will perform poorly. There can...

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Significant trees in Tasmania

How are trees classified as ‘significant’? Trees in Tasmania may be considered significant for a variety of reasons. They may be particularly old and provide links to the past, have...

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What are Visual Tree Assessments?

Visual Tree Assessment (VTA) Most types of hazards that can occur in a tree can be detected from external visual assessments. A visual tree assessment (VTA) is a recognised...

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The importance of ground protection

What is ground protection? Ground protection is a means to prevent compaction within Tree Protection Zones (TPZ). It usually consists of a physical barrier made from solid boards or equivalent...

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The importance of tagging trees

What is tree tagging? ‘Tagging’ a tree means attaching a physical tag onto the tree that clearly displays its identifying number. The identifying number should correspond with all arboricultural reports...

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What is an arboricultural risk assessment?

Management Plan Tree Inventory Tree Assessments Risk Assessments Tree Selection What is an arboricultural risk assessment? An arboricultural risk assessment is an assessment on a tree to determine the risk...

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"They arrived on time and did a very professional job scaling a tall tree."
Toshiro Mifune
"Exceptional service and value, very professional"
"Highly Professional, friendly, efficient, reliable, and reasonably priced team."
Marina Takini
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Optimise your tree assets with Tasmanian Arboriculture Consultants

Benefit from our comprehensive arboricultural consulting, impact assessments, and asset management. Our team provides customised, professional advice to maximise the value and health of your tree assets.

Get in touch today for a free consultation and see how our consultancy services can support your projects and sustainability goals!